First actual project in Houdini, created a procedural building that the width, height, and depth can be changed within a user interface. It was a tester building to see what I could do within the program, along with what was stated the shutters are adjustable too. Here's a quick screen capture of whats going on. Preferably view in YouTube to see detail and at a larger scale.
All the movement leads from the main 'house' node, a box. Using 'ch(".../"....")' statements with added math to align things up correctly so nothing randomly came off of the building. As seen below for example.
Of course from starting small house I wanted to add on another side building to make it a bit more interesting. So as you saw in the video, I in fact did. I'd pop up once the house size reaches a certain point, and disappearing on que when that point is decreased. The windows work that they as well, all from 'copy' nodes. Here is a look as to how it was set up, an example of the side building.
I wont go in depth anymore than state the basics of how to project worked, but since completing this I do know that I'll attempt to set up an intricate castle and even a city scene with making one building with a lot of different attributes at one point as a personal project since I got the basic understanding of this project down.
Finally here is just a show of the rendered piece of the house.